A place to share my random thoughts, playful passions for paper, ATCs, refunding, couponing, art, quilting, scrapbooking, photography, nature, recycling, bargain hunting, poetry and more. Sit and stay awhile!

"What do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" - Mary Oliver

Sunday, June 29, 2008

My Special Day

Last Friday .. I turned 41. I have to say, this time in my life is one of the happiest.

Lindsay took me out to lunch and we spent time talking and giggling *girl stuff* ~ We picked up Cody from his dorm and he had a gift for me. 'Sex in Your Garden' a comparison of human sexuality to plant reproduction, complete with suggestive photos of plants that evoke an immediate response. I cracked up at first but then, I was suddenly pleasantly aware of the fact that my son listens to me and notes my interests. We had once been discussing art and how photographic images can be perceived as sexual even if the subject matter is innocent, such as in botanical photography. I stated that I was intrigued by that fact. He rode his bike and found the store and searched out and bought the perfect book for me.

I loved both gifts from my children but the best gift of all is having the privilege of sharing my life with theirs and visa versa. I'm so honored to be their mother.

My love bought me flowers and showered me with tender love. We had a beautiful dinner and a promise for a new photo printer for my crafting *smile* The day really was spectacular, not with a bunch of frilly nonsense but good old fashioned family togetherness and growth.

1 comment:

Misti said...

I'm so happy you had a wonderful day . I love birthdays LOL its my favorite holiday .