A place to share my random thoughts, playful passions for paper, ATCs, refunding, couponing, art, quilting, scrapbooking, photography, nature, recycling, bargain hunting, poetry and more. Sit and stay awhile!

"What do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" - Mary Oliver

Friday, July 4, 2008

Recommit or Quit

Recommit or Quit! Twice a year, every 6 months, in June on my birthday and January on New Years, I take inventory and start fresh. I look at the things that consume my time, my life, my energies and I re-evaluate their importance to me.

This allows me to contemplate how I spend my time on this earth. I have dedicated my time to, as Oprah would say, 'Live My Best Life' and the things that are no longer enticing or education or bringing me great joy are omitted from my time and are replaced with delight directed activities.

This Birthday ~ I have quit sailing and a lifestyle of living aboard and abroad. It was no longer giving me joy but causing great strains on important relationships. So, I quit. I don't miss it either. This was a huge omission and freed up an unbelievable amount of energy and time! :o)

I have committed myself first of all to nurturing my relationships with people I love. It brings me indescribable joy to love my partner Tad, My children Cody & Lindsay and to reach out to long time friends and special family members. I want to try to go back to some old fashioned snail mail correspondence and dabble in my art & photography. I want to learn about the plants here at my new home and do some gardening, recycling and landscaping. I want to cook and bake and do some canning. So for now I am rededicating myself to my family, friends, art and homemaking skills as we prepare our beautiful new home to bring in our loved ones and make new memories.

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